Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Change of Season

The number of hours of daylight and darkness have once again evened out as we drifted gently from summer to autumn.  I can't help but feel a bit of magic in the air.  The sunrise comes directly into my morning spaces and the sunset glow fills my sunroom for yet another westerly sun downer.  Each of these sun moments offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect, not only on the happenings in my own life, but on those on a much grander scale.

We are all challenged to discern truth from fiction and reality from projection.  With so many people speaking, recording videos, and sharing their thougĥts, feelings and opinions, there are mountains of data coming at us daily.  I would like to encourage you to slow down, set your electronic devices aside for a few hours to just breathe, commune with nature or spend some time tuning in to your own intuition or higher self.

Many are being called now to wake up or to get up and perform.  Whatever that means for you, pick up your talents and gifts and stand ready to be who you truly are, without reservation.  Each of you holds a light with its own unique signature.  It can be likened to putting together a puzzle, each of us holding within our soul, a piece of that life puzzle.  Please don't worry if you don't know what your puzzle piece looks like or where it belongs.  All will be revealed in its own good time.

Since we have entered the autumn season, this is a great time to bring in your soul's harvest.  As you do, you can examine bits and pieces that present themselves as passion or deep inner desire.  The truth is safely held within your soul.  I urge you to utilize the magic of this season to reveal that which seeks emergence into the light of your life.  As you do, you, too, may feel or experience the magic of this seasonal change.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Promise After the Storm

Rainbow north of Spokane, Washington

As a child, I was often told that a rainbow was symbolic of an eternal promise.  My feeling about it is that rainbows remind us of the great power of the weather and our atmosphere.  And also the strength we hold within ourselves.  They give us the opportunity to stop for a moment and step into the feeling of awe that inspires us to be the best we can be in any given moment.

During a recent trip to eastern Washington where the weather had been extremely dry with a number of local forest fires, a great blessing came in the form of a small rain storm which left this beautifully vivid rainbow.  It felt magical, refreshing and fulfilling.

It was not only a blessing to be in Washington with family and enjoying the companionship of a common goal, but refreshing to see our lives move forward and at the same time have an opportunity to reflect on where we have come from and why we share common gratitude for being one as family.

Somewhere in the beauty of this photograph, I hope you will feel a sense of inspiration as well and also a promise that nothing lasts forever and yet, rainbows reoccur often.  And most importantly, they remind us that there is more to life than what we see on the surface.

Be well!  Be happy!  Be loved!  And have a great week ahead!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Passing of Time

Images of beauty that surround us, fill our world with light, harmony and joy, also bring forth inner truth, grace and love.  Many times we find ourselves crashing into life's obstacles, spinning nearly out of control and yet gracefully opening like a flower.

This is how time brings change and yet seems to keep things the same.  And yet, nothing that changes is ever the same again.  It is created anew, takes on a new form or shines with a different light.

Today I am asking you to breathe into your life.  Open your heart.  Lift your own veil of silence within yourself and allow yourself to speak freely and truthfully.  Be one with yourself as you experience change in your life and realize the passing of time.

Tomorrow you will be a new and different person, even though looking in the mirror shows you the same face.  The changes are subtle, minute at times, and often unnoticeable and yet they may be dramatic, life-altering, enormous and brilliant.  I feel there is a divine component in all this.  Perhaps something we have chosen and yet are unaware of.  

Something I have noticed in the passing of time is a much greater awareness at times and yet, at other times, it may seem as if a huge cloud has covered that same awareness.  No matter, for the passing of time is much like the ocean with its ebbs and flows.  And we are the sailors, navigating that ocean, feeling the rain showers and turbulence or floating on the calm water and soaking in the sunshine.

What flower in time are you?  What colors are you displaying as you bloom and glow?  How do you brighten up the world in any given moment?  And where do you add beauty and peace when there is darkness and despair?  Let your love shine forth and breathe gentleness and harmony as you bloom, all the while knowing that you are the rhythm that adds to the passing of time. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Embracing Autumn

Autumn Grape Harvest

The sun has trekked across the sky as another season dawns.  Each morning I am graced with the sun shining in my bedroom window from a heading due East.  This is always a signal to me that we will celebrate another equinox, a season change from summer to autumn.  Although we have not had a killer frost, some trees are changing colors from green to yellow.  Another true sign that autumn is here.

Year 2015 has flown by so far and I find myself wondering where the time went.  With ample rainfall this year, it was a bit of a challenge to get a garden planted and then weeded.  The sweet corn season is past.  Potatoes are ready to be dug up and stored and the butternut squashes are tasting sweet and delicious.  Carrots have added some great flavor to stews and soups.  Oh, yeah!  Let's not forget the onions that have really enhanced the cooking flavors.

As each new year begins, I step into it with great hope and anticipation of life progress and personal successes.  I can't say that this year produced much evidence of either for me.  It has been a year of service to others, filling in gaps, and nurturing the inner spirit through the love and playfulness of a child.

So as we move now into the season of harvest, perhaps we can all look deep within ourselves to see what we can glean from this year in the way of personal fulfillment or satisfaction.  There are some important things that happened for me this year.  Things that, while significant to me, are of little consequence to anyone else.  

An extensive part of this year was filled with observation, stepping back to listen and just observe everything around me, as well as the people, their actions and reactions.  I learned a lot, saw and heard a lot, was often puzzled and frequently humored.  Often times, I threw out comments within my mind, trying each one on in a particular situation and wondering how those involved in each scenario might act or respond.  I would also wonder if my comments might shift or change the outcome of the conversation or reactions from those involved.  Mostly, I practiced silence, allowing myself to be outside the circle of interaction, listening, asking intuitively for guidance and to shed light and love on those around me.

In this process of harvesting, I will ask you, the reader, to look within yourself to see what prize produce you might glean from this year so far.  What attributes stand out for you this year?  How did you handle relationships, challenges, changes?  How will this harvest season bushel out when it comes to clearing old thought patterns, reconciling mistakes, misjudgments, or missteps?  How will you reward yourself for this year's success?

Break free from your limited belief about the season of Autumn.  Let yourself embrace it fully, step into the process of change and harvest the gems of life as our daily dose of sunlight wanes and you will find yourself sliding smoothly into winter as the year closes out.  More change is on the horizon but we will save those comments for that season, the season of lights.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Warm Welcome to Summer

Big changes have accompanied this new summer cycle.  Delving into the inner glow of life at this moment, pushes forth a new realization that life is about to shift into high gear!

What do you mean by that?

Your hearts have laid silent, patient, awaiting the next great wave of existence in a human form.  We are here to speak with you at this moment and share with you this good news.  New light is now shining through in areas that were dark before.  You feel it in your inner core.  You hear it in your dreams.  You witness in your interactions with others.  There is a glow that you can't see with the naked eye, but it's there.  Your heart dances when you feel it within yourself or others.

Just for a moment, watch a small child as he/she dances with excitement from just being alive!  They see your energy raise as they express the delight of feeling the intensity of the energy around them that is penetrating every living thing and then resonating back outward in an ever-flowing effort to integrate the changes necessary for all life on your very beautiful Earth!

We encourage you to take this time to sit quietly and meditate.  Feel with your whole being.  Listen with your heart.  Be One with your Soul and you, too will know of what we speak.

Let's take things up another notch!  Let's manifest a peaceful humanity, living abundantly, welcoming beauty, nurturing each other and our environment, and blessing all of existence.


The Universal Masters

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Alive, But Unaware

Our Universe is alive with life, energy, emergence, activity, brilliance, and so much more.  Some things are obvious to us.  Some we acknowledge but do not interact with.  Others, we simply deny exists because it's easier to go through life in denial than to adjust our beliefs or perceptions.

The summer solstice is rapidly approaching.  With the ample amount of rain we have enjoyed so far this year, our outer world is lush with green leaves and grasses, brilliantly colored flowers and blue skies and lakes.  Within each of those dynamics, trees, plants, skies and waters lie a multitude of inner life that is unknown, unseen, unacknowledged and often denied.  And yet, we can take our boat out onto a lake and feel the peaceful balance between the air, water and earth.  That is, if we are paying attention.  If we simply stop the boat, sit quietly and listen, observe or breathe in the surroundings, we will begin to awaken an awarenss that has been there all along, that exists simultaneously with all the things we are already aware of.

In many ways, it's like looking through a grove of trees.  As the sun shine through, we know there are trees, but all the other life that lays silent on the forest floor is a mystery.  As the sun rises, we have the option to remain awake to the view that will eventually be illuminated, or walk away and deny that there is any life there worth taking in.  And, if we go one step further, and walk into that grove of trees or forest, we again can utilize our senses to grasp an ever-so-slight glimpse of what we can glean from the surface.  If we stand still and wait, we may see a bird or squirrel appear in our view.  As their dance of life plays out before us, we can again take in the energy of peaceful radiance that they add to the scene and dynamic of our lives.

Living in an area that offers the opportunity to fully partake in the magnificence of the seasons provides an unlimited number of blessings, from the beautiful snowy glaze of white, to the tender bursting forth of greenery, to the full flowering gardens and vivid summer rainbows, to the golden forests that dance with colored leaves and the bountiful harvesting of autumn produce.  

I believe that each day is an opportunity to not only feel alive in each moment, but to continue to awaken to another beautiful facet of life.  And that means that we can utilize all our senses, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  

It IS time to wake up now.  Open your heart.  Listen with your Spirit.  Observe with your inner vision and Love with ALL YOUR BEING!  And life will take on a whole new effect, not only for you, but for everyone you encounter.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Shifting into Spring

After getting five inches of snow yesterday, followed by strong winds that left two foot drifts, the forecast is for some thawing temperatures by early next week.  As we shift into our next season, spring, we will also be shifting ourselves, our mentality, and our energy to allow the next phase of our lives to burst forth, in a similar manner to the buds pushing forth on the trees and bushes.

It's time to take off the gloves, hats, boots, and big winter coats.  Take a long look around.  Where are you and where are you going?  What are you dragging with you and what are you ready to put down and leave behind?  Are you ready to take a new path, a path of joy, freedom and above all, LOVE?!

And what will that path look like to you?  For some, that will be a well-structured pathway, well-traveled and ages old.  

For others, the path may be well-defined, with lots of structure and definition.  How it appears to you will be based on your own perceptions.  And the way you travel it will be unique to you.  It's time for you to take responsibility for your own journey.  Step up to the plate of clearing your old baggage, and stepping into your role of moving forward with Love & Light!

Blessings for your journey!